PP, polypropylene sheet
Catalogue <<< PLASTIC SHEET <<< PP, polypropylene sheet
PP, polypropylene sheet It is possible to carry the following to number of the basic physical and chemical properties of polypropylene: l Low hygroscopicity and water penetration; l High chemical stability the attitude to many excited environments; l Low gas permeability; l Plasticity and elasticity (depending on temperature conditions of operation); l Practically does not spend an electric current (is an excellent insulator). Alongside with above listed properties also it is possible to note high durability of products from polypropylene. So, for example, полипропиленовые products possess much greater durability, than steel designs. Besides products from polypropylene are capable to maintain more powerful statistical loadings, than precisely same products from polythene. In particular, the threshold of durability of the first will be above in rub-four times. And, at last, connections of propylene with other polymeric substances and этиленом allow to receive the material possessing not only above listed physicomechanical properties, but also high frost resistance, impact strength and stability to formation of cracks. Sphere of application Polypropylene sheet finds wide enough application in the most various areas of industrial production. So, for example, by virtue of high chemical stability of a material the majority of excited environments, polypropylene in sheets actively use in the chemical, metallurgical, petrochemical industry for manufacturing the capacitor equipment. The sheet of polypropylene finds wide application and in other spheres of manufacture where there are galvanic and chemical sites. The separate scope of software of sheets is made with construction where sheets of polypropylene serve as a fine material for manufacturing a building timbering, signboards, tablets and other products. Alongside with it sheets of polypropylene are used for manufacture of various household products (for example, stools) and the products assuming contact to foodstuff (capacities for water, chopping boards, etc.). Besides for today sheets of polypropylene widely enough use for manufacturing the most various writing goods and polygraphic production (cases, organizers, files, folders, posters, cut-away and it is a lot of another). Processing and connections of details from polypropylene To number of traditional ways of processing sheets of polypropylene carry the following: milling, planing, and alсваривание, сваркаso processing on special woodworking machines. As to connection of sheets of software various ways are here too possible. Optimal of them is welding . And is better to use полифузный a kind of welding. The essence of the given method consists in heating the ends of connected details to the certain temperature and their subsequent pressing to each other. At use of the given way the strongest seam turns out. Also along with welding for connection of sheets of polypropylene it is possible to use a mechanical way (connection by means of bolts or rivets). However at the given method connection will not possess water resistance and will be characterized most likely by low durability in consequence of high factor of linear expansion. As one more way of connection of software of sheets it is possible to name pasting. Though propylene can contact to various kinds of the glue, the given method of connection sheets of polypropylene also not always is suitable. The sizes of sheets--2000-4000 m х 1000-1300м х (0,5-55,0) mm. Color natural, grey, painted. A sheet of polypropylene make with additive UV and without the additive. Additive UV gives stability of sheets ultra-violet radiation. The additive of the UV-stabilizer reduces a temperature range of operation of sheets up to 90С while sheets without the UV-stabilizer have the maximal working temperature 120С. Also the UV-stabilizer influences color of sheets, — the material turns out серовато-white color whereas sheets without the UV-stabilizer have more expressed white painting. Manufacture sheets of polypropylene from fibre-glass polypropylene is possible. Fiber glass raises shockstability and a range of working temperature up to 130-140С. A SHEET OF POLYPROPYLENE CHARACTERISTICS: