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Mica tape


 Mica tape

The tape out of mica impregnated ЛСЭП-934ТПл (СПл) THAT 16-91 И37.0168.006ТУ represents a composition from fiber glass fabric, a mica paper and polyethylene terephthalate a film, impregnated epoxy-polyester binder. The tape is applied for case isolation of traction electric machines and large high-voltage electric machines by a pressure up to 6kВ a class thermal-life F (155°С). A tape flexible in conditions of the room environment.It is suitable for the manual and mechanized winding. Replaces tape out of a class thermal-life B and F. A mode curing : 10-16 hours at temperature 160°С. The tape is delivered in rollers in diameter 100±10мм, width from 15 up to 870mm, the reeled up film outside on the rigid plug with internal diameter 36±1mm.

  The tape out of mica impregnated ЛСК-110ТПл, ЛСК-110СПл

  The tape out of mica impregnated ЛСК-110ТПл, ЛСК-110СПл ТУ 16-91 И02.0168.001 ТУ, represent a three-layer composition from fiber glass fabric, a mica paper and polyethylene terephthalate a film, impregnated electrical insulating compound. Tapes are applied for case  isolation of bobbin windings high-voltage (6 kВ) and low-voltage electric machines in system of isolation of a class thermal-life In (130°С). Mode отверждения: 10-16 hours at temperature 160°С. A tape flexible in conditions of the room environment. It is suitable for the manual and mechanized winding.

 The tape out of mica ЛИФЧ-ББ

 The tape out of mica ЛИФЧ-ББ-1 represents tape insulation mica  material consisting from mica of a paper, laminated mica a paper from both parties, as binding the oil-bitumen varnish is applied. A class нагревостойкости-In (130°С). Application: as электроизоляционного a material in electric machines and devices.